Conference Details

April 7, 2021

Avvanz Techstival 7 April



Techstival is the first-of-its kind hybrid event connecting physical and virtual participants, seen through our avatar – Dennis Miller – as he starts his HR lifecycle journey. This event showcases how technology and best practices empower Dennis.

Avvanz brings together global brands, speakers and panelists to socialise with Dennis and you in a unique format in this event.

Agenda (click to watch)

Understand the entire employee lifecycle

Employer branding and how to use technology to attract talent

Talent sourcing and recruitment strategies

How technology drives gig economy

Artificial intelligence in recruitment Screening for the “right” and “safe” hires Cloud technology to onboard new joiners Get employees productive to the floor in the quickest time Engaging and managing performance in the current new dynamics Effective learning and development strategies leveraging technologies like AR/VR to get employees digital ready

Impact of Social Media on HR

Leadership: The importance of creating one’s leadership manifesto Optimising employee experience to encourage employee retention